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3 Meal-Planning Tips for Fitness

Healthy recipes often seem involved and more complex

Healthy recipes often seem involved and more complex than grabbing something at a fast food restaurant or snacking on pre-made items in your pantry. Here, fitness enthusiast Scott Tischler offers three tips on making healthy meals easier for your fitness lifestyle.

1. Plan ahead. One of the reasons that binge eating happens is because the body is starving for the correct nutrition. If meals are planned ahead of time then the house should always have food available. So instead of reaching for the snickers bar or chips reach for something healthy such as broccoli or chicken breasts.

2. Cook several meals at a time. There are nights where the last thing anyone wants to do is to cook a meal from scratch. This unfortunately can lead unhealthy eating. By cooking several meals at a time a meal is as simple as heating it up in the microwave or oven.

3. Use a cooler when going to work. By using a cooler and a few reusable icepacks not only will money be saved but it allows for healthier eating habits at work. Pack salads, greens, chicken, tuna, or anything that is healthier than a quick bite to eat through any drive through.

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