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An Easy Way to Start Exercising Again

So you want to get back into shape,

So you want to get back into shape, but don't know where to start? Maybe you don't have access to a gym or machines? I was in a similar situation, and here's what I did. From here, I went on to a weight lifting program. But this simple routine got me moving!

1. Find a treadmill if possible. If you don't have one available, find a local high school or park, preferably with a track. Get a watch or some way to time yourself. A good pair of running shoes is also important!

2. First off, do as many pushups as you can. It doesn't matter what you get to, just bust out what you're capable of. Find your number, and do two more sets at 75% of your number.

3. Now that you're done with your pushup sets, do the same thing with situps. Find your number, and then two more sets at 75%.

4. When you're done with your pushups and situps, it's time to run! Give yourself a breather.

5. Run as long as you can, and time it. You don't need to go hard or fast, maybe around 70% of your full-speed. See how long you can go for at a set pace, and note the time.

6. Now that you know your pushup, situp, and running numbers, make note of them all.

7. Every day, do a set of pushups, then a set of situps. Alternate back and forth to give different muscle groups time to recoup. Do three sets of each, adding one more onto your sets every day.

8. For running, your goal is to run 30 seconds longer than you did the day before, every day. So if you ran 6 minutes straight yesterday, today your goal is 6 minutes and 30 seconds. If you can go longer, go for it!

9. Keep up the routine every day. If you need rest days, take them. Listen to your body.

10. Form a solid diet plan, mostly plant-based. Eat protein-rich foods such as salmon for dinner, and lots of greens and vitamin-dense foods.

11. Start to see yourself getting in better shape, and keep it up! Once you're comfortable, move on to more difficult exercises and programs. Remember, diet is VERY important!