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Why you should use a Full-Time Home Inspector

Home Inspectors enter the field from a range

Home Inspectors enter the field from a range of backgrounds and with an even greater range of experience. One thing we do have in common is that conducting home inspections provides us with continual learning and development.

Every home is different and each inspection will introduce the inspector to a unique set of deficiencies. An inspectors experience will enable him/her to not only identify the issue but recognize the possible causes and to be confident making their recommendations.

To be sure you are getting the best service possible be sure to ask your potential inspector:

about their experience;
if they operate their business full-time; and
how many home inspections they have conducted in the last 12 months. According to a 2011 survey from the American Society of Home Inspectors, the average Inspector performs just over 200 home inspections annually.

There is NO substitute for the experience a full-time inspector will provide to you.
