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Anxiety: To take meds or not

When feeling overwhelmed, depressed or anxious it is sometimes easiest to ask for medication or increase your current dosage. My doctor told me to make a list of the things that are giving me the anxiety. If I could control them or change them then I needed to take those steps first. Example:
1. I am so overwhelmed at work, it never ends, I'm exhausted and feeling bad at my job. I can't focus. My frustrations turn to tears easily. I can't take it anymore.

Questions to ask: Are you taking your lunch breaks? Are you working on the weekends? You need to have breaks (especially ones that are put in place like lunch breaks and weekends). You can control that. If you are worried about deadlines- you will feel refreshed and be more productive if you take those breaks. Try taking breaks and if you still are feeling like the walls are closing in, then discuss medication with your physician. Control the things that are within your power.

*This tip is not from a doctor. This is just a tip for those who feel it may be relevant to their lives. Always seek a medical professional when dealing with your own mental health.