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Depression and digestive tract issues

For 5 years I suffered through a very tough depression. The doctors would ask me, “How are you feeling? A little bit better—OK, then we’ll just up your meds then.” They just kept firing more pills at me. I was having trouble thinking straight. There were studies that a high percentage of people with mental issues were having digestive tract issues as they couldn’t handle all the pills. My depression started after an injury when I was put on strong anti inflammatories—they tore my stomach up and after that it seemed to go downhill emotionally. Later on, I learned that there was a tie with digestive tract issues and depression. I am convinced that was an issue with me—and I have done very well since taking a heavy does of B vitamins. Be very careful what pills you take and minimize the pills whenever possible. Your brain needs nutrients that often are lacking in food these days which is why I have focused on the vitamins.