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Organize Your Content - Tip for Marketing/SEO/Content Writers

The sad truth is, people aren't reading all 500 words of your blog posts/content. People are skimming and half the time they're skipping most of what you're saying. So, to ensure people read your content and don't skip over essential words, follow these tips:

1. Use bullet points, numbering, etc. Underline and bold headings. The idea is to break up as much text as possible so that reading your article doesn't seem challenging or time consuming.

2. Put the important facts at the top. Get the gist of your post out of the way, in case people do navigate away within 30 seconds.

3. Paraphrase/condense where possible. Sure, some people will love your elegantly phrased work of prose turned marketing entry, but majority of the population won't care. Think of it this way; how many people read Twilight vs Shakespeare (by choice!). Easy to understand phrases are key.