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The Perks of Coffee

Coffee and caffeine are simultaneous, but that doesn't mean coffee is bad for you. In face, coffee has many health and mind benefits and is more beneficial than you think (without the cream and sugar of course).

1. Coffee improves cognitive functions that can actually "unblock" your brain. That's why we always think we need coffee to get going faster.

2. Coffee can actually reduce stress. Of course consuming too much of caffeine can cause anxious jitters, but drinking a respectable amount won't. The aroma of coffee has actually been linked to feelings of comfort.

3. Coffee is great for your skin. It's a natural exfoliant. Mixing used grounds, sugar, and baby oil together can make for a great homemade skin regiment.

4. It may decrease breast cancer chances. Researchers in Sweden have found that drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day is linked to lower odds of getting breast cancer.