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Tips for Setting "S.M.A.R.T." Goals

Setting goals is essential to any fitness, weight loss, or overall health plan. Here, Fit and Healthy with Beth offers tips for setting a plan that's "S.M.A.R.T."

Specific -- So, for example, "I want to lose weight is NOT specific! Instead I want to lose ___ pounds." Specific goals have standards and actually lay out a plan.

Measurable -- this means there must be an actual number attached to the goal. Losing a set amount of weight or percentage of body fat is a great example of this.

Attainable -- Can this goal actually happen? For example, "I want to lose 20 pounds" is attainable…but not in one week!! In this case the best thing to do is to break down that goal into mini chunks like:"I want to lose 2 pounds per week." Attainable simply means the goal must be doable.

Realistic -- For a goal or resolution to be realistic, the person must be in the right place and mind set to actually make this happen as well as be willing to make the changes needed. If someone is committed to eating a pizza every day and will not change then a realistic goal is not to lose 20 pounds.

Timely -- For this to work, the goal must have a deadlines associated with it. "I will be 20 pounds lighter by March 2013" is a great example of a timely goal.

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