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W Mitchell--life after paralysis

I love the quote, “When one door closes, another opens but too often we spend our time looking at the closed door for so long that we never see the open one.”  Life often looks like nothing but closed doors because we do not have the flexibility to see the open doors.

No absolute relationship exists between any two variables.  For instance, short fingers  and looking unusual does not automatically equal disaster, end of world, go hang yourself.  Nor does winning the lottery, looking like Brad Pitt, and having six Rolls Royce’s equal lifetime happiness.  The bottom line is that we really do have the power to choose how we react to these events.  We have a huge say in how we perceive things and are limited or not limited by things.

If you screw up, recognize it is fine because it certifies that you are a member of the human race!

The world may dump garbage on me and it may not be my fault, but I still am completely responsible for me.  The question is am I going to change, or just wait for help?  I accept that not everything can be fixed by only ourselves and that in some instances, professional help is needed.  Many people spend their lives feeling that someone else has to fix their lives for them.  It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you do about it.

Tony Robbins said it best when he said, “If you do not like where you are, then go where it feels different, looks different, and the people are different.  Get up and move and things will change.  You will then have different inputs and the ability to see things in a different light.”

Before I was paralyzed, there were 10,000 things I could do; now there are 9,000.  I can either dwell on the 1,000 I have lost, or focus on the 9,000 I have left.

Bio: W Mitchell has survived and persevered through two enormous personal tragedies--suffering severe burns in a motorcycle accident and a few years later, becoming paralyzed in a plane crash. Provided by: