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Adversity and going forward

After facing major adversity you will either be

After facing major adversity you will either be better, or you will be worse, but you will never be the same. There are ups and down and big and little challenges you will face in life. The adversity could relate to something financial, emotional, health or kid related. You need to know your strengths and weaknesses-and rely on your strengths.

No situation can change you as a person unless you allow it. You are part of your past but you make choices for your future—so choose the pathway you want.

Bio: Mike Utley played for the Detroit Lions until 1991 when he was paralyzed as a result of a play during a game. The mission of the Mike Utley Foundation is to financially support an effective function-restoring treatment for spinal cord injuries, to encourage through education that of adopting a rehabilitative lifestyle for the spinal cord injured and a public awareness of spinal cord injuries. For more information, please visit