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How to survive with only hand luggage

More and more airlines are charging to check

More and more airlines are charging to check baggage in the hold, a hidden extra that can add £££s to your holiday budget! Travelling with hand luggage only, is quicker (no waiting at the baggage carousel) easier (no lengthy check in process, no lugging tons of luggage around) and cheaper (most airlines include hand luggage with the airfare). Here's how to make the most of your carry on allowance...

Know you Limits
Especially important if you're flying with more than one carrier. The budget airlines tend to be stricter with hand luggage limits, specifying number of items, size dimensions and weight. Flouting these rules can get you a hefty fine, or have your baggage placed in the hold...defeating the object of hand luggage travel entirely!

Lose the liquids
The current aviation rules specify that only liquids in 100ml containers contained in a clear plastic bag may be carried on. Most good hotels provide shampoo, conditioner and shower gel, so take advantage of these. On a budget? look for solid alternatives if you're going to be travelling for a while or staying in hostels. Lush do a great solid shampoo bar that comes in a cute little tin, and Dove cream bars are a great alternative to regular soap bars.

Make the most of Duty Free
Duty free goods are exempt from the liquid carry on rules, so if you really need drinks for the flight, or large toiletries this is the place to purchase. They may be more expensive beucase you're a captive audience, but it's still a cheaper option than paying for carry on luggage!

Wear your biggest/heaviest items
Heading to Moscow in midwinter? You're going to need a heavy-duty coat! One that would probably take up all the room in your tiny little bag. So wear it. You can take it off as soon as you've gone through customs if need be, but by making sure the bulkiest items aren't in your carry on bag you're saving yourself lbs and £££s.

In a similar vein to the tip above. If you have pockets in your clothes use them! Travel in cargo pants, turn yourself into a walking, talking storage system! It all saves room and wight in your bag...and as yet airlines aren't charging people for carrying extra weight on their person!

Pack Smart
Travelling with hand luggage focusses the mind on what you really need. Take a capsule wardrobe that you can mix and match. Items that you can layer are great for covering all weather eventualities! And remember, if you're staying for an extended period of time, you can wash your clothes! Laundrettes are found all over the globe, or pack hand washing soap and you can wash your smalls in the hotel sink!