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Last Minute Shopping Tips

If it’s Dec 23 or 24 and you haven’t got a gift for your significant other or family members—don’t despair. You can solve your problems in less than two hours—then head off and celebrate.

First, recognize an online gift certificate purchased on December 24th solves your problem but looks very lame. You need a plan—and here it is.
• Only hit 2 or maybe 3 stores.
• Recognize that in every store you need to spend
• Make a list of WHO you are buying for.
The 3 stores should be a Book Store, a store that has varied gift certificates and maybe if you are feeling ambitious a clothing store, too.

Start at the bookstore and buy anything that might work—books, music, bookmarks etc. It is not about quality at this stage—just quantity. If you can’t make up your mind on something in less than 5 seconds move on.

Second, go to a store with tons of different gift certificates. Nothing says thoughtfulness like a 10 second gift card purchase. Sometimes the bookstore has both—if so, you will be well ahead of the two hour shopping schedule so take a break somewhere and relax. Once you have books, CD, DVDs and some gift certificates you are 99% done.

Now go for the knockout blow in the clothing store. Go to the shirt section and find what fits your budget. Ask a store clerk to help you and make a quick decision. Remember it can always be returned. If you are a guy, avoid buying the highly revealing top—while you may want to see it worn, this isn’t the time for a high-risk purchase.

Follow my tips and in less than two hours you will be out of the mall.