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Ski Patrol Mocha

When I went to Montana on a ski trip we found alittle hut way back in the mountains.  I asked the lady what to get because of my coffee addiction and she said, "A Ski Patrol Mocha".  They didn't have the machines to make a real mocha up on the mountain so they created their own! One package of hot chocolate powder Coffee already hot and ready to go Take a package of hot chocolate and put in your coffee mug or to-go tumbler.  Add your hot coffee and stir.  It is sure to be sweet but if you want it to be more creamy just add a splash of milk.  De-lish! Brittany is currently a nursing student almost to RN status.  Living on coffee and a college budget has made this nursing student budget savvy, a cheap meal on the go expert and #1 in her class at a top nursing school.  She claims she will have reached her goals when she jumps on her own motorcycle in her scrubs with a leather jacket and heads to work.  Find her on Twitter at