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Work From Home? How to Deal With Your Pet Fighting For Your Attention

Many of us work from home these days.

Many of us work from home these days. And being at home means our attention is being divided between work, loved ones, television, and our pets. As you can see from this picture (taken five minutes before writing of this tip commenced), my dog Noodles thinks she is more important than me getting anything accomplished. Now I have a few options to get Noodles out of my hair. Here are a few:

1. Put her on the balcony. Now, Noodles likes to be outside, but sometimes at night it can be cold and she will bark at cars and passersby, annoying my entire building. So sometimes this isn't an option.

2. Trap her in another room. Now, I don't have the largest of living spaces. And I live in an apartment building surrounded by many other people. When Noodles is locked in another room and being ignored, she can be quite vocal about her dissatisfaction. So she will bark and whine and annoy everybody. Sometimes she sleeps, but usually not. Again, sometimes this doesn't work.

3. The trick I've learned that never fails is to buy a dog bone that has a hollowed-out center, and fill it with peanut butter. This will shut her up and keep her entertained/nutritionally satisfied for hours. I suggest you try it.