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Persistence --Bob Love

I was alone, broke, and couldn’t walk without a cane. I had neither a job nor any prospect of getting one. Life seemed so bleak. I was at my lowest point. When nighttime would come around I would get on my knees and pray. The Lord gave me the strength and courage to go on.

I was hired by a department store, Nordstrom, to wash dishes and bus tables for $4.45 per hour. For a while, I even drove a bus at night while working there in the day. Each day, I would tell myself that it was going to get better and that no one can hold me down.

All I ever wanted was the opportunity and then I would do the best I could with it. I did not go around trying to blame this person or that person. I never wanted anyone to give me anything. I believe we have to take responsibility for anything that happens to us and have always abided by my grandmother’s advice: “You got to do it yourself.”

Bob Love played basketball in the NBA during the 1960s and 70s. His number was retired on January 14, 1994, and it is one of only three Chicago Bulls numbers to be honored that way. His Autobiography is: The Bob Love Story