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Alternative Treatments for Fibromyalgia

Alternative Treatments for Fibromyaliga Vitamin D to The

Alternative Treatments for Fibromyaliga

Vitamin D to The Rescue

Amazingly, one of the few important vitamins that our body can produce all on its own, for free, is found in deficient levels in many children and adults alike. Vitamin D, which is produced by the skin as a natural sunscreen against harmful UV rays, is an important vitamin for the health of the body’s bone and muscle mass. Deficiencies in Vitamin D can lead to chronic pain, fatigue, arthritis, infertility, joint pain, diabetes and more. Interestingly enough, many fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue sufferers are lacking adequate amounts of this essential vitamin. Learn more about the importance of vitamin D, its connection to fibromyalgia, and how to ensure you are getting the right amount of this vitamin.

How Food Can Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain

While most people simply consume the foods they most love or are the most convenient to prepare, fibromyalgia sufferers need to put just a bit more thought into their diet. For example, fibromyalgia is an inflammatory disease and did you know there is a very long list of common everyday foods, like dairy, that cause inflammation in the body? There are also many other foods that lead to fatigue, a symptom sufferers of fibromyalgia are already fighting. Other well known foods have healing properties that can help with pain relief—something which should greatly interest any person diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Learn more about which foods to avoid and which foods to eat with zest and see if the easy task of making simple changes to your diet can improve your symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Fibro Pain and Garlic

Although garlic may not leave your breath with the most pleasant of smells, this wonderful, potent and flavorful herb can help fibromyalgia sufferers’ breath a breath of fresh air. Garlic has many well known healing properties including pro-inflammatory cytokines which help sufferers of inflammatory conditions like fibromyalgia. Learn more about the natural cure of garlic and about how to get the benefits of garlic without subjecting yourself to the stinky smell.
Acupressure for fibromyalgia is also very effective.

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