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Healthy eating--no excuses!

Stay-at-Home-Mom turned Bikini Competitor Chantelle Emch has 2

Stay-at-Home-Mom turned Bikini Competitor Chantelle Emch has 2 kids and an active-duty Air Force husband, giving her ample reasons to not always eat the foods that will keep her body healthy and toned, but is determined to make no excuses.

When traveling on vacation or for a competition, Chantelle starts her food prep several days in advance, planning out meals that will travel well but still taste good and nourish her body. Things like brown rice with tuna, hard-boiled eggs, oatmeal, and baby carrots can all be packed easily, prepared quickly, and contain the protein and nutrients your body needs to function properly.

Investing in a rice cooker (that you can turn on and walk away from), a portable cooler with ice packs, and spending an hour or two prepping will return huge dividends--instead of a half-dozen cookies, you can grab a hard-boiled egg and a bag of granola, and know that you're making a lifestyle change that will keep your body healthy--and toned--for years to come. If a mom of 2 whose husband is gone more than half the year can do it...what's your excuse?
