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Learn to Love Cold Showers

We all like a nice hot shower, but

We all like a nice hot shower, but have you ever tried taking a cold one? It may sound crazy, and some getting used to, but cold showers can be beneficial! For starters, if you shower in the morning before work or school, nothing will wake you up quite like the feeling of an icebath. Trust me. Also, you may not realize it, but being in a hot shower makes you sweat quite a bit. Once you jump out, you may continue to sweat for a short time until your body temperature can regulate itself, thus negating the benefit of a shower! Cold showers will keep you clean and sweat-free. Not to mention, you won't be wasting much time daydreaming or singing while it feels as if you're in a hail storm in your tub. You will make quick work of cleaning yourself off and getting out, cutting down on water bills and giving you more time to get out the door! It's foolproof! Just make sure you start out gradually. Get in while the water is warm and slowly turn the temperature down every so often. Before you know it, you'll have ice in your veins and be ready to face the day!