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Raul Yzaguirre--living with Parkinson's disease

My maternal grandfather was an illiterate man who garnered the respect of everybody that he ever met. He was a very decent human being, and he taught me to do the right thing, to be happy, and to appreciate everything I have in my life. He taught me how to have a positive attitude and all about overcoming adversity in life.  Having a positive attitude is the most important thing.

Parkinson’s provides a new way to learn and to grow. It presents an opportunity to reflect on my life and to appreciate it more. It helps me focus on what I can do and what I cannot do. I feel lucky that I have Parkinson’s now as opposed to 30 years ago, because at least there are options now with this disease whereas before there were not. My biggest challenge is finding the time to do all the things that I want to do.

Source: Raul Yzaguirre Bio: Raul Yzaguirre was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1999. Raul Yzaguirre is a Civil Rights leader and was the President of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), from 1974––2004. The NCLR is the largest national Hispanic Civil Rights and advocacy organization in the United States, helping more than 40 million Hispanics. Provided by: